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Luís Gomes

Luís Gomes

Degree in Biology from the University of Évora (2002), Master in Conservation Biology from the University of Évora (2005) and PhD in Biology from the University of Évora (2013). I developed research in ecology, ethology, eco-ethology, road ecology and conservation...
Luísa Catarino

Luísa Catarino

I graduated in Biology (University of Aveiro) and hold a Master degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Évora. At this time I collaborate with LabOr in the work of community management of forest birds developed in the area of Companhia das Lezírias, and...
Marisa Gomes

Marisa Gomes

I have a degree in Biology (University of Évora, 2004), a Post-graduate in Conservation Biology (University of Évora, 2005). I work in ecology of riparian birds community as bioindicators of the system conservation status. My main research interests are: Birds as...
Nuno Faria

Nuno Faria

I hold a degree in Biology and a Master in Conservation Biology, from the University of Évora, and a PhD in Ecology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. I work chiefly with environmental monitoring and steppeland bird ecology. My PhD thesis was entitled “Steppe...