Degree in Biology from the University of Évora (2002), Master in Conservation Biology from the University of Évora (2005) and PhD in Biology from the University of Évora (2013). I developed research in ecology, ethology, eco-ethology, road ecology and conservation...
I graduated in Biology (University of Aveiro) and hold a Master degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Évora. At this time I collaborate with LabOr in the work of community management of forest birds developed in the area of Companhia das Lezírias, and...
I have a degree in Biology (University of Évora, 2004), a Post-graduate in Conservation Biology (University of Évora, 2005). I work in ecology of riparian birds community as bioindicators of the system conservation status. My main research interests are: Birds as...
I hold a degree in Biology and a Master in Conservation Biology, from the University of Évora, and a PhD in Ecology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. I work chiefly with environmental monitoring and steppeland bird ecology. My PhD thesis was entitled “Steppe...