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Rui R. Silva

Rui R. Silva

Graduated in Biology (University of Évora, 2015) and MSc in Conservation Biology (University of Évora, 2018). My main interests in Ornithology are the bird conservation and their habitats, bird monitoring and scientific ringing.
Ana Marques

Ana Marques

I’m graduated in Marine and Fisheries Biology (University of Algarve) and hold a Master in Nature Management and Conservation from University of Algarve. I started to work in inland fisheries management, giving advice on action plans towards the conservation of...
Cláudia Lopes

Cláudia Lopes

I graduated in Biology at the University of Évora, where I also obtained my master’s degree in Conservation Biology. The topic of my dissertation was the composition of barn swallow’s diet (Hirundo rustica), and their possible interactions with the montado. I’m...
Carla Azeda

Carla Azeda

PhD student in Interdisciplinary Landscape Management at the University of Évora. Honours Degree in Biology Applied to Animal Resources – Variant of Terrestrial Resources, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Master’s in Conservation Biology, Faculty...
Fernando Goytre

Fernando Goytre

I have a technical degree in Management of landscape and Natural Resources from the Agricultural and Forestry Training College in Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid, 2007). I began my training in forestry studies, but gradually I specialised in bird study, to which in...